Single Author Collections

Wodehouse in the Strand - Short Story Collection

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

P. G. Wodehouse

This is a collection of P.G. Wodehouse's short stories published in The Strand from 1918 to 1922. (kirk202) Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehous…

The Divine Companion (Version 2)

Read by Audio Andrea

James Allen

It cannot be said of this book that James Allen wrote it at any particular time or in any one year, for he was engaged in it over many years…

The Captain of the Polestar, and other tales

Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This is a collection of early Sir Arthur Conan Doyle short stories. It includes stories of mystery, comedy, shipwrecks and fantasy. (Summary…

Mosses From An Old Manse

Read by Bob Neufeld

Nathaniel Hawthorne

"Mosses from an Old Manse" is a short story collection by Nathaniel Hawthorne, first published in 1846. The collection includes se…

Libro de Poemas

Read by Victor Villarraza

Federico García Lorca

Este poeta español, miembro de la mítica Generación del 27, es el mayor referente de la literatura española del …

Eu e Outras Poesias

Read by Leni

Augusto Dos Anjos

Augusto dos Anjos é um dos mais originais poetas brasileiros, e também um dos mais populares. Sua obra consiste, porém,…

Poetry of St John of the Cross

Read by Ed Humpal

Saint John Of The Cross

The poems of St John of the Cross, with their mystic depth and spiritual ecstasy, stand among the world's great poems of Divine Love in all …

Ausgewählte Novellen

Read by Hokuspokus

Guy de Maupassant

Die Liebe und das Leben - in aller Leichtigkeit und Leidenschaft, mit ihren Abgründen und ihren Vergänglichkeit - das sind die Hau…

The Faith of Men

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jack London

A collection of short stories by author Jack London.

Von Teufeln, Geistern und Dämonen (Auswahl)

Read by Hokuspokus

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Die Erzählungen Bécquers sind mehr als bloße Schauergeschichte. Der Autor erforscht die geheimen und schrecklichen Abgr&uu…

The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Raven Edition, Volume 5

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar Allan Poe

This, the last of 5 volumes containing Poe's works, contains a collection of both prose and poetry. (Summary by TriciaG) Cast List for Secti…

Arizona Nights

Read by A. E. Maroney

Stewart Edward White

Arizona Nights is a collection of tales from the American West as told by those who took part in them. (Summary by Adam E. Maroney)

The Schoolmaster and Other Stories

Read by William Tomcho

Anton Chekhov

Anton Chekhov, perhaps better known as a world famous classical playwright for works such as "Uncle Vanya" and "The Cherry Or…

The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories (version 2)

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

The Mysterious Stranger-A Romance- is the final novel attempted by Mark Twain. It was worked on periodically from roughly 1890 up until 1910…

La Divina Comedia - Infierno

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Dante Alighieri

La Divina Comedia (también conocida como La Comedia) es un poema teológico escrito por Dante Alighieri. Se desconoce la fecha …

The Story of the Romans

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. A. Guerber

A collection of short stories and histories of Rome, from its beginning to its end. (Ann Boulais)


Read by KendalRigans

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe (19 de enero de 1809 - 7 de octubre de 1849), escritor romántico estadounidense, cuentista, poeta, crítico y e…

The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Raven Edition, Volume 4

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar Allan Poe

This, the fourth of 5 volumes containing Poe's works, contains 22 of his short stories. Warning: Section 7, "A Predicament," conta…

Danger! and Other Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This is a volume of short stories by the famous Arthur Conan Doyle. - Summary by Carolin

Fábulas literarias

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Tomás De Iriarte

Las Fábulas literarias es la obra más conocida del fabulista Tomás de Iriarte. Consiste en una colección de poem…

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