These are the original, tender and thoughtful poems of a young female artist who lived and died in seventeenth century London -- only 70 yea…
John Gould Fletcher (1886 – 1950) is considered by many literary scholars to be among the most innovative twentieth-century poets. He enjoye…
“The Byron of our modern poetesses," was the verdict of Henry Nelson Coleridge, the eldest son of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, wri…
Francis Thompson, an English poet and author, is best known for his poem "Hound of Heaven," included in this selection of his poe…
Archibald Lampman was a Canadian poet. "He has been described as 'the Canadian Keats;' and he is perhaps the most outstanding exponent …
Madison Cawein from Kentucky, displays a wider range of his poetic dreams, from the bright to the dark. - Summary by Larry Wilson
«Раковина» - главный сборник стихотворений Георгия Шенгели, демонстрирующий отточенную технику и литературную эрудицию. С середи…
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