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Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela Mistral was a poet, educator, Nobel Prize laureate and diplomat from Chile. These poems were translated by Muna Lee, Alice Stone Bl…

Cartea de Aur

Read by Gabriela Oprea

Alexandru Macedonski

"Cartea de aur" de Alexandru Macedonski este o colecție de texte scurte plasate în a doua jumătate a secolului XIX/înc…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Stephen Phillips

A short collection of poems by the Oxford-born poet and playwright Stephen Phillips including his two major works Marpessa and Christ In Had…

Selected Poems - Manzano

Read by Newgatenovelist

Juan Francisco Manzano

Juan Francisco Manzano was a poet who was born into slavery in Cuba. This collection was translated by the Irish abolitionist Richard Robert…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Auta de Souza and Auta De Souza

Horto é o único livro de poesias escrito pela poeta norte-rio-grandense Auta de Souza, publicado em 1900. O manuscrito, ent&at…


Read by KevinS

Siegfried Sassoon

One of Sassoon's earlier collections of poems. This book is particularly interesting as Sassoon begins a transition toward poetry unrelated …

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Mary Willis Shuey

Mary Willis Shuey lived in New Orleans and was ‘an authority and prolific writer on things Southern’. These poems were published between 191…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Thomas Parker Sanborn

Thomas Parker Sanborn was an American poet from Massachusetts. In this collection of his work, published from 1883 to 1886 in The Harvard Mo…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Sor Juana Inés De La Cruz

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was a nun, poet, dramatist and composer from Mexico. These poems were translated by Muna Lee, Peter H. Gold…

Sonnets and Songs

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Arthur Upson

Arthur Upson's insightful and sensitive poetic art is grandly displayed in this selection of some of his best work. As a tribute to Upson, R…

The Augustan Books of Modern Poetry: Emily Brontë

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Emily Brontë

The inspirational and visionary poetry of Emily Brontë will live forever in the annals of great works of creative art. Renowned as the …

Random Readings In Racy Rhyme: A Repast For The Recluse, A Refreshment For The …

Read by Krista Zaleski

Charles Harwood Greene

An ecclectic collection of poems by Charles Harwood Greene. A little humor, a little dry wit, and sometimes an unexpected twist. Works inclu…

Three Hills

Read by Newgatenovelist

Everard Owen

In this short collection of poetry published in 1916, the Reverend Everard Owen explores the sacrifices of the First World War from an Engli…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Rubén Darío

Rubén Darío was a Nicaraguan poet and the founder of the modernismo literary movement. These English-language translations are…

Valley and Mesa

Read by Newgatenovelist

Lucy Eddy

Lucy Eddy was an American poet. These poems were published in Poetry in February 1918 and celebrate the Californian landscape and the joys o…

The Dirge of the Sea-Children, and Other Poems

Read by Stefan Von Blon

Kenneth Rand

The first of three volumes of poetry published by Yale English literature graduate Kenneth Rand before his untimely death in 1918 by the Gre…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Iris Barry

Iris Barry was a British and American poet, novelist, film critic and curator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. These poems were…

In a Belgian Garden and Other Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Frank Oliver Call

These magnificent poems written by a lover of the natural splendor of untrodden lands are both thrilling and exhilarating. Visions and obser…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Rafael Cabrera

Rafael Cabrera was a Mexican poet and diplomat who also studied medicine. These poems were translated by Alice Stone Blackwell and were publ…

All About Johnnie Jones

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Carolyn Verhoeff

The Vassar and Radcliffe educated Carolyn Verhoeff taught kindergarten and published three books for kindergarten-aged children: All About J…

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