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Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Abraham Lincoln

A few of Lincoln's most famous speeches and the Lincoln-Douglas debate make for historic reading. (summary by David O)

Auguste Rodin

Read by David Wales

Rainer Maria Rilke

Rodin has pronounced Rilke's essay the supreme interpretation of his work. (From the translators’ Preface)Auguste Rodin, 1840-1917, was a …

Presidential Farewell and Last Addresses

Read by John Greenman


This collection will put in one place, all the Farewell (or last) Addresses made by each of the 43 ex-US presidents.The first, George Washin…

The Marrow of Tradition

Read by James K. White

Charles Waddell Chesnutt

In The Marrow of Tradition, Charles W. Chesnutt--using the 1898 Wilmington, North Carolina massacre as a backdrop--probes and exposes the ra…

True Stories from History and Biography

Read by Susan Morin

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In writing this ponderous tome, the author's desire has been to describe the eminent characters and remarkable events of our annals, in such…

Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Mahatma Gandhi

First written in Gandhi's native language Gujarati, this booklet advocates for Indian non-violent self-rule during the struggle for Indian i…

Un crime étrange

Read by Christiane Jehanne

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Rencontre Watson et Holmes, installation, et première enquête à Londres, et aussi détour aux U.S.A. en Utah… &ag…

Christmas Every Day and Other Stories Told for Children

Read by David Wales

William Dean Howells

Five short delightful stories for children, told in the voice of "the papa" to "the girl" and "the boy" Willia…

The Job

Read by MichelleHarris

Sinclair Lewis

'The Job' is an early work by American novelist Sinclair Lewis. It is considered an early declaration of the rights of working women. The fo…

Moving the Mountain

Read by Elizabeth Klett

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Moving the Mountain is a feminist utopian novel written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It was published serially in Perkins Gilman's periodica…

Revolution, and other Essays

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jack London

A collection of 13 essays written between 1900 and 1908, published in 1910. The lead essay, "Revolution", outlines how and why Lon…

Une Vie

Read by Christiane Jehanne

Guy de Maupassant

La vie de Jeanne, en Normandie. Un très beau portrait de femme. Un contexte socio-géographique toujours intéressant ave…

The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line

Read by James K. White

Charles Waddell Chesnutt

Published in 1899, The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line is a collection of narratives that addresses the impact of Jim …

King Alfred of England

Read by Ryan Cherrick

Jacob Abbott

The life and accomplishments of England's sole title holder of "The Great." King Alfred defended England from Viking invasions an…

Havelok the Dane: A Legend of Old Grimsby and Lincoln

Read by Tony Foster

Charles Watts Whistler

Troy, Athens, Rome... each has its founding legend. So too does the Lincolnshire town of Grimsby, once the largest fishing port in the world…

Myths and Legends of the Great Plains

Read by Kyle Van DeGlast

Katharine Berry Judson

Myths and Legends of the Great Plains is a compendium of myths and legends from the Great Plains region of the US. It includes many short st…

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Weston Translation)

Read by Tony Addison

The Gawain Poet and The Gawain Poettranslated Byjessie Laidlay Weston

King Arthur lies at Camelot upon a Christmas-tide and will not eat until he hears tell of a marvel of knightly feats. In among them rides th…

La maison du péché

Read by Christiane Jehanne

Marcelle Tinayre

Histoire d'amour.Voici un très beau roman, riche et profond, très apprécié et commenté, écrit d’un…

Main Street (Version 2)

Read by Mark Nelson

Sinclair Lewis

Carol Milford, a college-educated, progressive, ambitious young woman, is self-sufficient working as a librarian in St. Paul, when she meets…

Myths And Legends Of California And The Old Southwest

Read by David Wales

Katharine Berry Judson

"...The preparation of a volume of the quainter, purer myths, suitable for general reading, authentic, and with illustrations of the co…

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