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Scots Of The Riverina

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Lawson

This poem tells the story of a boy in Australia who leaves the farm at harvest time. "and to run from home was a crime." The story…

The King of the Snakes and Other Folklore Stories from Uganda

Read by laurakgibbs

Rosetta Baskerville

Rosetta Baskerville was the wife of George Baskerville, a missionary in Uganda. Some of the folktales in this book, published in 1922, are s…

Any Woman To A Soldier

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Grace Ellery Channing

LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of Any Woman To A Soldier by Grace Ellery Channing.This was the Weekly Poetry project for Novem…

A Place Of Burial In The South Of Scotland

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Wordsworth

This poem is part of the "Ecclesiastical Sonnets," writen by Wordsworth between 1821 - 22. - Summary by David Lawrence

Oliver Twist Band 3

Read by josvanaken

Charles Dickens

Titelheld Oliver Twist startet in dem zweiten Roman von Charles Dickens, damals seinen Leserinnen und Lesern auch unter seinem Pseudonym „Bo…

Tattlings of a Retired Politician

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Forrest Crissey

"The letters (non-partisan) of Hon. William Bradley, Ex-Governor and former veteran of practical politics, written to his friend and pr…

Bauern ABC

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Franz Graf Von Pocci

Graf Franz Ludwig Evarist Alexander von Pocci, aufgrund seiner Werke für das Kasperl- und Marionettentheater auch als 'Kasperlgraf' bek…

The Forged Note: A Romance of the Darker Races

Read by Jim Locke

Oscar Micheaux

This novel investigates the black urban community of the early twentieth century, highlighting the base degradation and violence there. But …

The Valley of the Squinting Windows

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Brinsley Macnamara

The Valley of the Squinting Shadows was the author's first novel and proved controversial. In it, he tells a realistic tale of life in a sma…

Un peu de ma vie

Read by Christiane Jehanne

Henry Gréville

Ouvrage varié de souvenirs et de poèmes de cette écrivaine érudite, très connue à son époqu…

The Wishing Bridge

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Greenleaf Whittier

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of The Wishing Bridge by John Greenleaf Whittier.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for Jul…

True Love: A Story of English Domestic Life

Read by Jim Locke

Sarah Farro

The author is aware that she is entering a field which has been diligently cultivated by the best minds in Europe and America. Her design in…

Oliver Twist Band 2

Read by josvanaken

Charles Dickens

Titelheld Oliver Twist startet in dem zweiten Roman von Charles Dickens, damals seinen Leserinnen und Lesern auch unter seinem Pseudonym „Bo…

The Fortune of the Rougons, Book One of Rougon-Macquart Cycle (Version 2)

Read by Mark Leder

Émile Zola

The first book in the 20-novel Rougon-Macquart Cycle. A monument of French naturalism. The sprawling tale of a family in Provence, during …

Where Animals Talk: West African Folk Lore Tales

Read by laurakgibbs

Robert Hamill Nassau

Robert Nassau spent four decades as a medical missionary in Africa, arriving at Corisco Island, now part of Equatorial Guinea, in 1861; he a…

The Improvement of Human Reason

Read by Peter Tucker

Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufail and Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Al-Malik Ibn Tufail

The story revolves around Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān, a little boy who grew up on an island in the Indies under the equator, isolated from the people, …

The Literature of Arabia

Read by PaulW

Epiphanius Wilson

A collection of many romantic stories: it has no epic unity. It will remind the reader of the "Morte d'Arthur" of Sir Thomas Malor…

The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories

Read by Jim Locke

Alice Dunbar Nelson

These stories focus on the Creole society of New Orleans and in the process reveals issues facing black Americans at the end of the nineteen…


Read by Denise Ray

DuBose Heyward and Dubose Heyward

Story about Southern African American man with disabilities and the life he leads in the 1900's. - Summary by Denise Ray

The Soldiers' Recessional

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Huston Finley

Reprinted from Scribner’s Magazine for June, 1904, in an edition of forty copies for private distribution, by the courtesy of Charles Scribn…

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