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Student Newspapers at Oxford

In Welcome to Oxford

Read by Henry Clarke Price, Rosie Macaulay, Natasha Vashisht and Rebecca Molyneux


University of Oxford Podcasts

Student Newspapers

In University Life

Read by Henry Clarke Price, Rosie Macaulay, Natasha Vashisht and Rebecca Molyneux


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Body and Being Network

Read by Rebecca Leach and Stanely Ulijaszek

Rebecca Leach and Stanely Ulijaszek

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Count of Monte Cristo (version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Alexandre Dumas

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and one of the author's most popular works. He completed the work in 1844. The story takes pl…

The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The book was first published in February 1905 by McClure, Phillips & Co. (New York) then on March 7, 1905 by Georges Newnes, Ltd. (Londo…

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (version 4)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of 12 short stories that were originally illustrated by Sidney Paget. These are the first…

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This is the second book of short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle concerning the adventures of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his…

A Study In Scarlet (Version 6)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A Study in Scarlet is a detective mystery novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, introducing his new characters, "consulting detectiv…

The Hound of the Baskervilles (version 4)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Hound of the Baskervilles is the third of the four crime novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holme…

The Sign of The Four (version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sign of the Four (1890), also called The Sign of Four, is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. …

The Valley of Fear (Version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Receiving a mysterious cypher message from a Fred Porlock, apparent agent of the infamous Professor Moriarty, Holmes and Watson set about de…

His Last Bow (version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of previously published Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, i…

The War of the Worlds (version 2)

Read by Rebecca Dittman

H. G. Wells

War of the Worlds by Herbert George Wells (H.G. Wells) was published in 1898 at a time when he wrote a series of novels related to a number …

From October to Brest-Litovsk

Read by Rebecca Dittman

Leon Trotsky

This account by Trotsky is of the events in Russia from the October Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd, to his signing of the Brest-Litovsk tre…

The Adventures of Ulysses

Read by Rebecca Dittman

Charles Lamb

Lamb used Homer's Odyssey as the basis for the re-telling of the story of Ulysses's journey back from Troy to his own kingdom of Ithaca. Not…

Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl

Read by Paul Henry Tremblay

John Greenleaf Whittier

A 750-line idyllic poem about a snow-storm from the narrator's childhood. (Summary by Paul Tremblay)


Read by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wildes Kunstmärchen bieten dem Leser (und Hörer) Zugang zu zauberhaften, filigran gestalteten Welten. Liebe, Leidenschaft, A…

Ferien vom Ich

Read by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett

Paul Keller

Rezept für eine leicht bekömmliche (Urlaubs-) Lektüre: Man nehme einen Arzt mit originellem Kur-Konzept, einen hiervon begeis…

Das letzte Märchen

Read by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett

Paul Keller

„Das letzte Märchen“, eine Geschichte, in der ein Journalist in ein unterirdisches Märchenreich eingeladen wird, um dort eine Zeit…

Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude

Read by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett

Jakob Wassermann

Die Autobiographie "Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude" skizziert die Lebens- und Sinnsuche des Schriftstellers Jakob Wassermanns. Di…

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