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Bible (KJV) NT 27: Revelation (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

King James Version

The Book of Revelation, often known simply as Revelation or the Apocalypse, is the final book of the New Testament and occupies a central pl…

Emma McChesney and Company

Read by Phil Chenevert

Edna Ferber

This is the final volume in the trilogy following the smart, stylish, divorced and independent businesswoman Emma McChesney in her career fr…

The Machine Stops (version 4)

Read by Phil Chenevert

E. M. Forster

"The Machine Stops" is a science fiction story by E. M. Forster. After initial publication in 1909 the story was republished in F…

The Happy Prince and Other Tales (version 3)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Oscar Wilde

A collection of five stories by Oscar Wilde, all incorporating his inimitable style and wit. Sometimes sweet and uplifting, sometimes caust…

Sentiment, Inc.

Read by Phil Chenevert

Poul William Anderson

The way we feel about another person, or about objects, is often bound up in associations that have no direct connection with the person or …

The Metamorphosis (version 4)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Franz Kafka

This story, about a man who wakes up transformed into a bug and the repercussions it has on his life and the people around him, has intrigue…

Inside Earth

Read by Phil Chenevert

Poul William Anderson

This story takes place in the not so distant future. Earth has been conquered and is a subjugated planet, the much too humanoid new rulers …

Black Amazon of Mars (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Leigh Douglass Brackett

This gore drenched story finds Eric Stark, the barely civilized warrior raised on Mercury struggling to bring a dying Martian friend back to…

Soaked In Seaweed and 7 other nonsense novels

Read by Phil Chenevert

Stephen Leacock

8 great spoofs of 'types' of fiction by the premier Canadian humorist Leacock, taken from his book Nonsense Novels. The title of each parody…

The Man Who Hated Mars

Read by Phil Chenevert

Randall Garrett

To escape from Mars, all Clayton had to do was the impossible. Break out of a crack-proof exile camp—get onto a ship that couldn't be boarde…

The Emperor's New Clothes

Read by Phil Chenevert

Hans Christian Andersen

This is a collection of a few of my personal favorite stories by Hans Christian Andersen that I most loved as a child and still enjoy as an …

Pagan Passions

Read by Phil Chenevert

Laurence M. Janifer and Randall Garrett

'Adult' Science Fiction? Well, why not? Science Fiction deals imaginatively with odd and unsettling subjects, why not sex? In this novel,…

Omnilingual (version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

H. Beam Piper

This short story was first written and published in the year 1957, as part of a collection of short science fiction stories in the collectio…

The World That Couldn't Be (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Clifford D. Simak

The planet where his new plantation was established was very strange, with a complete lack of sex; all of his workers and all the animals an…

Gambler's World & The Yillian Way

Read by Phil Chenevert

Keith Laumer

Here are two stores starring the always unconventional Terrestrial Diplomat, Retief. As a diplomat, Retief does not always follow procedure…

Nor Iron Bars A Cage ...

Read by Phil Chenevert

Randall Garrett

Iron bars do not confine a Man—only his body. There are more subtle, and more confining bindings, however....Police methods of the future wi…

A Thousand Degrees Below Zero

Read by Phil Chenevert

Murray Leinster

The War to End All Wars has ended and the world has taken a deep breath and is trying to recover normal life in 1919. But a super Villan in…

The Homely Heroine

Read by Phil Chenevert

Edna Ferber

Who ever heard of a plain and downright homely heroine? Isn't a heroine by definition beautiful? Well, Edna Ferber, in her well known style …

His Master's Voice

Read by Phil Chenevert

Randall Garrett

This is a follow up story to Randal Garrett's original story, A Spaceship Named McGyer. The intrepid protagonist, now that he has become t…

Acres of Diamonds (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Russell Conwell

One of the most requested motivational lectures of all time. "I say that you ought to get rich, and it is your duty to get rich ... Th…

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