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How can ideas change the world?

In Big Questions For The Future

Read by Ian Goldin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Exceptional People; How Migration Shaped our World and will Define our Future

In International Migration Institute

Read by Ian Goldin


University of Oxford Podcasts

The butterfly defect: how globalization creates systemic risks, and what to do a…

In Oxford Martin School: Public Lectures and Seminars

Read by Ian Goldin


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Butterfly Defect: How globalisation creates systemic risks

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Ian Goldin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Post-2015 Development Agenda and the State of Play

In Human Rights and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Challenges and prospects

Read by Ian Goldin, Mac Darrow, Isabel Ortiz, Roberto BIssio and Baard Hjelde


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Global Governance of International Migration: What Next?

In Kellogg College

Read by Robin Cohen, Paul Collier, Ian Goldin, Cathryn Costello and Martin Ruhs


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Faeries of Birchover Wood - Book 1 - The Bad

Read by Ian Rutter

Ian Rutter

In a time when a King ruled England, and his knights rode into battle for glory and honour, a monster, the Bad, roamed the land, waiting for…

The HeavenField - Book One

Read by Ian G. Hulme

Ian G. Hulme

“...The world has changed forever; we have opened the door to something which we don’t understand, and that door cannot be closed. I only ho…