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John Newton

Four Letters to a Minister of an Independent Church by a Minister of the Church of EnglandQuid me alta silentia cogis rumpere? - Virgil (&qu…

Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism

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Zacharias Ursinus

These lectures present a complete exposition of all the leading doctrines of the Christian religion in a most concise and simple form, adapt…

Forty-One Letters on Religious Subjects

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John Newton

Among the excellences which appear in all the published letters of Newton, we may mention:In the first place, the grand design — the high an…

The Analogy of Religion to the Constitution and Course of Nature

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Joseph Butler

Joseph Butler's great work is the Analogy, published in 1736, and from that day read and admired by every highly-cultivated mind. He was ind…


Read by InTheDesert

Benjamin B. Warfield

This extensive dictionary entry on the biblical definition of faith was originally published in A Dictionary of the Bible, edited by James H…

The History of the Church of Christ: Century IV

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Joseph Milner

It is certain, that from our Saviour's time to the present, there have ever been persons whose dispositions and lives have been formed by th…

Hosea: from The Holy Bible with Original Notes

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Thomas Scott

Hosea, whose prophecy we now enter upon, exercised his sacred office for a great many years: he predicted the captivity of the ten Tribes lo…

The Letters of John Knox

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John Knox

The letters... will perhaps more clearly exhibit the temper and character of Knox, than his more elaborate compositions: but to understand t…

A Breviate of the Life of Margaret Baxter

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Richard Baxter

A breviate of the life of Margaret, the daughter of Francis Charlton, of apply in Shropshire, esq. and wife of Richard Baxter. For the use o…

Some Passages of the Life and Death of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Roche…

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Gilbert Burnet

I believe that the good Bishop of Salisbury's account of the last days of poor young Rochester would, if carefully read, make more impressio…

The Theological Tractates

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Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

It was in the last dozen years of his life that Boethius wrote on a vastly different topic, or what one might imagine a vastly different top…

A Word to the Weary

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William S. Plumer

Sin and sorrow are twin sisters. They were born the same day. They have grown up together. It is as idle to say that there is no misery as t…

Lectures on Butler's Analogy

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Thomas Chalmers

Thomas Chalmers had read, when a young man, several infidel productions. Their semblance of logic and learning, and supercilious confidence …

A Dissertation on the Inspiration of the New Testament

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Philip Doddridge

Doddridge defines 'inspiration' and explains in what sense the New Testament writers are self-aware in their claim to it and the logical inc…

The Gospel-Mystery of Sanctification

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Walter Marshall

Among the professors of a religious course, some do still adhere unto a legal scheme of holiness, vainly making it the reason of their peace…

Exposition of the Seventeenth Chapter of the Gospel by St John

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Martin Luther

These my homilies concerning the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ, which St. John has delivered down to us in his seventeenth chapter, I not …

The Reformation Collection Volume 4

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This volume of the Reformation collection has a particular focus on the works of Zacharias Ursinus, writer of the Heidelberg Catechism. It a…

A Spiritual Antidote against Sinful Contagion in Dying Times

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Thomas Doolittle

A cordial for believers in dying times with a corrosive for wicked men in dying times at first written as a letter to private friends in dai…

The Incomparableness of God

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George Swinnock

The Incomparableness of God, in His Being, Attributes, Works, and Word"For who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord? who among th…

The Gospel of the Incarnation

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Benjamin B. Warfield

Two sermons preached in the chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary, October 9, 1892 and January 8, 1893 to the students of Princeton Semin…

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