Elizabeth Drew Stoddard, née Barstow was a United States poet and novelist. She is most widely known today as the author of The Morge…
Spenser explains in the dedication of this volume that the hymns to love and to beauty were written early in his career and their "heav…
George Murray was a British poet, translator and scholar who lived out most of his life in Canada, where he was a classics master at a Montr…
Написанные и впервые вышедшие в свет в середине XIX века, "Записки Охотника" Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева открывают перед нами мир п…
Naden's sonnets have topics as diverse as astronomy, classical mythology and Shakespeare's birthplace. This collection is taken from Naden's…
Klabund (eigentlich Alfred Georg Hermann „Fredi“ Henschke) legte mit seinem ersten Gedichtband den gelungener Auftakt zu einer außerge…