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A Wine of Wizardry

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Sterling

A dark and moody collection of poems, influenced by the author's experience of nature, rather than an idealized notion of it. "The uncr…

A Cidade do Vício

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Fialho de Almeida and Fialho De Almeida

Obra dedicada, por José Fialho de Almeida, a Joaquim Xavier de Figueiredo e a Mello Oriol Pena. Nela se encontram encerrados diversos…

Not That it Matters (Version 2)

Read by Kirsten Wever

A. A. Milne

A. A. MILNE:…was best known for the perennially popular Pooh (Winnie the), arguably one of his lesser contributions to the literature of his…

The Human Boy And The War

Read by David Wales

Eden Phillpotts

Published in 1916, this is the third collection of thirteen humorous short stories about English school boys in a boarding school in the fic…

Maud, and Other Poems (Version 2)

Read by MichaelMaggs

Alfred Tennyson and Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Surely everyone knows “Maud”? Isn’t that the Victorian love song, where the man waits by the garden gate for his lover to appear for a secre…

The Strength of Gideon and Other Stories

Read by KirksVoice

Paul Laurence Dunbar

One of four books of short stories written in his brief career. These stories are written using African-American dialect which provides dee…

Poésie. Tome 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

François Coppée

Tome premier des oeuvres complètes du poète français François Coppée (1842-1908). Poèmes inclus pr…

Selected Poems

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

George Herbert

These poems, from Herbert’s book The Temple, show the evolution of a soul’s relationship with God. Sudden reversals of mood are common, for …


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Nora May French

Nora May French was a Californian poet and a member of the bohemian literary circles of the Carmel Arts and Crafts Club, which flourished af…

Beyond the Stars

Read by Nemo

Charles Hanson Towne

Charles Hanson Towne was a well known editor, author and poet. He was a popular New York celebrity who was considered by many as being the q…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

LibriVox volunteers bring you 20 recordings of Endymion by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for March 3, 2…

Earth's Enigmas

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sir Charles G. D. Roberts

Most of the stories in this collection attempt to present one or another of those problems of life or nature to which, as it appears to many…

Men I'm Not Married To (Version 2)

Read by Kirsten Wever

Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker was a poet, writer and satirist of the foibles of the early 20th century (not least, of Prohibition), and a founding member o…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Eden Phillpotts

A book of short stories by Eden Phillpotts, all involving something of the supernatural. - Summary by Ann Boulais

All That Matters

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar A. Guest

A collection of poems about life. Written in an easy and interesting style this book includes poems about many parts of family life, motherh…

Ύμνος εις την Αθηνά

Read by karampas1968

Kostis Palamas

It is a poem about Greek goddess Athena, the unmarried virgin goddess of war and wisdom. Goddess Athena was born fully armed and grown physi…

The Five Nations Vol II

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling was the first English recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature and the youngest at the time to be so rewarded. His childre…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

D. H. Lawrence

Tortoises is a collection of six poems by D.H. Lawrence inspired by his observation of tortoises going about their business, wild in the la…

Satires of Circumstance, Lyrics and Reveries, with Miscellaneous Pieces

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Thomas Hardy

Published in 1914, this is a compilation of 107 poems by Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), who is probably better known as the author of such famous…

The Poems of Jonathan Swift, Volume Two

Read by Arthur Krolman

Jonathan Swift

He lived simply, loved his walks and craved the company of fellow poetical wits as they craved his company in return. With his pal Dr. Sheri…

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