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Sea Garden (Version 2)

Read by KevinS

Hilda Doolittle

The first of H.D.'s book of poetry, Sea Garden contains some striking and lovely Imagist compositions. I have recorded the poems as a single…

The Revelation

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Coventry Patmore

Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore was an English poet and critic best known for The Angel in the House, his narrative poem about an ideal happ…

Rain and Roses

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jeannette Fraser Henshall

One reviewer describes these poems as "dainty." Each reflect a delicacy of feeling and sentiment of home, love and nature. Jeanne…

Terze odi barbare

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Giosuè Carducci

Edizione del 1889 di 20 nuove poesie della serie "odi barbare". Queste poesie vengono ad aggiungersi alle iniziali 16 della prima …

Selected Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Siegfried Sassoon

Siegfried Sassoon, best known for his outspoken opinions on the futility of war, is portrayed in these poems as an observer, an observer of …

Later Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Alice Meynell

Alice Meynell was a British poet and suffragist. This collection was published in 1902 and explores the author’s Catholic faith as well as t…

Canada and Other Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Thomas Frederick Young

From the author's preface:I wished to do something for my country, and chose this method of doing it. The literature of this country is in i…

Λόγια της Πλώρης: Θαλασσινά Διηγήματα

Read by Penelope

Andreas Karkavitsas

Θάλασσα, αλμύρα, οι μοίρες των ανθρώπων, το ταξίδι, η επιστροφή, η αγάπη κ ύστερα πάλι σιωπή!!! Sea, salt, the destinies of people, the jour…

The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses (Version 2)

Read by Gerald Moe

Robert W. Service

This collection deals with wanderlust in general but the bulk of the poems are based on Service’s time in the Yukon. He captures the excitem…

Mice & Other Poems

Read by John Burlinson (1950-2024)

Gerald Bullett

Gerald William Bullett was a British man of letters. He was known as a novelist, essayist, short story writer, critic and poet. He wrote bot…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Richard Lovelace

"Lucasta" is of Latin origin meaning "Pure Light". Besides the dedication of the first poem to his wife, Anne Lovelace, …

The Heart of Happy Hollow (Version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Paul Laurence Dunbar

Happy Hollow; are you wondering where it is? Wherever Negroes colonise in the cities or villages, north or south, wherever the hod carrier, …

California at Christmas Tide

Read by Larry Wilson

Ella M. Sexton

Ten short poems about Christmas in California - Summary by Larry Wilson

Morna Lee, and Other Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Mary Hannay Foott

Mary Hannay Foott (pen name, La Quenouille) was a Scottish-born Australian poet and editor. She is well remembered for a bush-ballad poem, &…

Poems of Conformity

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Charles Williams

Charles Williams was one of The Inklings, an Oxford based group of writers which included J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Although Williams' …

Augustan Books of Modern Poetry: Robert Graves

Read by KevinS

Robert Graves

Poems from Robert Graves published by the Augustan Books of Poetry. - Summary by KevinS

Poems (Version 2)

Read by Alan Mapstone

Wilfred Owen

The English poet Wilfred Owen was killed on 4th November 1918 just seven days before the Armistice which ended the First World War. This boo…

Hours of Sorrow

Read by MaryAnn

Charlotte Elliott

Poems from the author of the beloved hymn, "Just as I Am", chiefly adapted to seasons of sickness, depression and bereavement. Ell…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Marion Cummings

Marion Cummings was an American poet and academic. Born in San Jose, she graduated from the University of California and taught at the Unive…

Severn and Somme

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ivor Gurney

The English poet Ivor Gurney wrote these poems while serving in the First World War. In them he contrasts the wartime desolation of the area…

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