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Read by Alan Mapstone

Richard Wagner

The legend of Tannhäuser, the Minstrel Knight who, having betrayed his love for the virtuous Elizabeth by dallying in the Venusberg, re…

Selection from Poems

Read by Alan Mapstone

Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is often called "the father of Russian literature". He was the first great poet to write in Russian …

English Bards and Scotch Reviewers

Read by Alan Mapstone

George Gordon, Lord Byron

English Bards and Scotch Reviewers was first published anonymously in 1809 with Byron only identified as the author in the 2nd edition. Byro…

Poems Concerning the Slave Trade

Read by Alan Mapstone

Robert Southey

Robert Southey, a future Poet Laureate, was born in Bristol, one of the principal ports in England for the slave trade. He wrote these poems…

Poems (Version 2)

Read by Alan Mapstone

Wilfred Owen

The English poet Wilfred Owen was killed on 4th November 1918 just seven days before the Armistice which ended the First World War. This boo…

Childe Roland and Other Poems

Read by Alan Mapstone

Robert Browning

The title poem was inspired by various images which Browning saw while living in Italy, an old tower in the Carrara Mountains, a painting in…

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto III

Read by Alan Mapstone

George Gordon, Lord Byron

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage is a narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. It was published between 1812 and 1818. The poem describ…

Poems of Pilgrimage

Read by Alan Mapstone

Thomas Hardy

A short collection of poems by Thomas Hardy describing his feelings when visiting various places of historic interest in Italy and Switzerla…

Love Poems

Read by Alan Mapstone

D. H. Lawrence

"Love Poems and Others" was D. H. Lawrence's first book of poetry published in 1913.(Summary by Alan Mapstone)

Hebrew Melodies

Read by Alan Mapstone

George Gordon, Lord Byron

Byron wrote the Hebrew Melodies to accompany music by the composer Isaac Nathan which he claimed derived from Synagogue tunes used at the ti…

Admirals All

Read by Alan Mapstone

Sir Henry Newbolt

A short collection of poems on Naval and other military themes by the English poet and military historian Sir Henry Newbolt published in1897…

Great Poems of the World War

Read by Alan Mapstone


A selection of poems written during or immediately after the First World War (1914-1918). Most are by men (American, British, Canadian or Au…

Epistle to Lord Byron and other poems

Read by Alan Mapstone

Leigh Hunt

Leigh Hunt was an English poet, essayist and editor best remembered as the host of a literary circle which gathered at his home in Hampstead…

The Serenade, by the late Lucy Hooper, with an engraving

In The Rover Vol. 01 No. 17

Read by Alan Mapstone

Lawrence Labree and Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…

Liberty Bell - AAM

In Liberty Bell

Read by Alan Mapstone

Edward Doyle

LibriVox volunteers bring you 15 recordings of Liberty Bell by Edward Doyle.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for April 23, 2023. ---…

On the Proposal to Erect a Monument in England to Lord Byron

In Short Poetry Collection 257

Read by Alan Mapstone

Emma Lazarus

This is a collection of 45 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during October 2024.

Introduction and Dramatis Personae

In Tristan and Isolde

Read by Alan Mapstone

Richard Wagner

The Libretto of Richard Wagner's music drama Tristan and Isolde, translated into English by John P Jackson, is here presented as a spoken dr…

The Bride of Corinth

In Ballads and Legends

Read by Alan Mapstone

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A short collection of Ballads by the German poet and polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe based on German and other European and Asian legend…