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Hours of Sorrow

Read by MaryAnn

Charlotte Elliott

Poems from the author of the beloved hymn, "Just as I Am", chiefly adapted to seasons of sickness, depression and bereavement. Ell…

A Calendar of Sonnets (Version 3)

Read by Newgatenovelist

Helen Hunt Jackson

Helen Hunt Jackson wrote poetry, nonfiction and fiction and was a popular author in her own time. This sonnet sequence reviews the months of…

Mountain Idylls, and Other Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Alfred Castner King

"The author of this unpretentious volume has long questioned the advisability of adding a book to our already inflated and overloaded l…

The Sentimental Song Book

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Julia A. Moore

Julia A. Moore, the "Sweet Singer of Michigan," is today considered one of the true luminaries of bad poetry. Her verse, with its …

Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Herman Melville

"Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War" is the first book of poems by the American author Herman Melville. Published in 1866, the v…

For Eager Lovers

Read by Newgatenovelist

Genevieve Taggard

Genevieve Taggard was an American poet, teacher and socialist. This collection was first published in 1922 and deals with topics such as pe…

White April

Read by Laurie Banza

Harold Vinal

In five section parts, Golden Windows, Sonnets for Weeping, Of Mariners, White Glamour, and Overtones, Harold Vinal writes about deep feeli…

New Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

D. H. Lawrence

This is an exceptional collection of superb and introspectively distinct poems from the pen of master author D. H. Lawrence. Never failing t…

Low Tide on Grand Pré: A Book of Lyrics

Read by Phil Schempf

Bliss Carman

The first of more than thirty books of poetry by Canadian poet Bliss Carman. "The poems in this volume have been collected with refere…

For Your Sweet Sake

Read by Jim Locke

James Ephraim Mcgirt

This work is a collection of lyric poems - Summary by Jim Locke

The Pale Woman

Read by Newgatenovelist

Sara Bard Field

Sara Bard Field was a poet from Ohio who spent most of her life in California. She was a suffragist, a Christian socialist, a Georgist and a…

The Apology

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Anne Kingsmill Finch

Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea, was an English poet, the third child of Sir William Kingsmill of Sydmonton Court and his wife, Anne Hasl…

Balade si Idile

Read by Cornel Nemes

George Coșbuc

"Pe câmpul vast al publicisticii române, pe care crește atâta spanac des și abundent, a apărut în sfârșit…

At Dawn And Dusk

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Victor Daley

Victor Daley, then a happy, wondering Irish lad, drifted out to Australia. His head was full of old tunes and fragments of poetry; his pocke…


Read by Bruce Kachuk

Duncan M. Matheson

Poet Duncan M. Matheson lived in troubled times. These were times of World War I and its accompanying carnage, privation and pervasive adver…

The Rubinstein Staccato Etude

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

R. Nathaniel Dett

This poem, read by 16 Librivox Volunteers, describes the ups and downs and emotional frenzy of The Rubinstein Staccato Etude. The author, R.…

Obras de Garcilaso de la Vega

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Garcilaso De La Vega

Garcilaso de la Vega (1501-1536) es un brillante exponente renacentista del Siglo de Oro de la literatura española, cuya vida fue bre…

Белая стая. Часть 1-я

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Anna Akhmatova

К 135-летию Анны Ахматовой."Белая стая" - третий стихотворный сборник поэтессы, впервые опубликованный в сентябре 1917 г.(Автор кр…

The Indians in the Woods

Read by Newgatenovelist

Janet Lewis

Janet Lewis was an American poet and novelist who studied at the University of Chicago. The Indians in the Woods – ‘Imagistic in technique’,…

West-Running Brook

Read by KevinS

Robert Frost

A collection of 38 of Robert Frost's early poems apparently compiled in 1923 but not published until 1928. This was not Frost's most popular…

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