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On the Sublime

Read by Amelia Chesley

Unknowntranslated Byherbert Lord Havell and Translated Byherbert Lord Havell

This is a classical text on aesthetics and proper style in writing and rhetoric, including commentary on various ancient Greek works such as…

The Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke

Read by Amelia Chesley

Leonard Cox

This text is a reprint of the first English-language book on rhetoric, including an introduction and notes from Frederic Ives Carpenter of t…

The City of Din

Read by Amelia Chesley

Dan McKenzie and Dan Mckenzie

A treatise on the increasing loudness of modern life, including philosophical and scientific discussion of what noise is, how effects us phy…

Letters to Catherine E. Beecher in Reply to an Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism

Read by Amelia Chesley

Angelina Emily Grimké

This is a collection of thirteen letters from Angelina Grimké on the subjects of abolitionism and human rights in the United States.


In Little Women (version 4)

Read by Amelia Chesley

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women is the classic story of the March family, which consists of Mr. and Mrs. March and their four girls–Practical, yet fashion cons…

Chapter X. The Counselors Wear the Magic Cloak.

In Queen Zixi of Ix

Read by Amelia Chesley

L. Frank Baum

Fairy Queen Lulea and her merry band, in a quest to relieve themselves of boredom, decide to create a new magical amusement. They weave a be…

Chapter IV

In The Adventures of the Eleven Cuff-Buttons

Read by Amelia Chesley

James Francis Thierry

The Adventures of the Eleven Cuff-Buttons: Being one of the Exciting Episodes in the Career of the Famous Detective Hemlock Holmes as Record…

Chapter I

In With Her in Ourland

Read by Amelia Chesley

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Third in the trilogy of the feminist classics, after Moving the Mountain and Herland. It was published serially in Perkins Gilman's periodic…

Thoughts in the Subway

In Plum Pudding: Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned

Read by Amelia Chesley

Christopher Morley

Chrisopher Morley was an American literary luminary whose prolific writings included novels, essays, poetry, plays and great journalistic ou…


In Goose-Quill Papers

Read by Amelia Chesley

Louise Imogen Guiney

Louise Imogen Guiney, and American poet and essayist, here presents twenty essays with her characteristic wit and poetic flair and often a t…

Poison - For Poisonous Mushrooms

In 1000 Things Worth Knowing

Read by Amelia Chesley

Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr.

Part almanac, part encyclopedia, part dictionary, Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. gives us his idea of important, but sometimes obscure, facts that…