LibriVox Audio Books

Bardelys the Magnificent

Read by Mark Nelson

Rafael Sabatini

Being an Account of the Strange Wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol; Marquis of Bardelys, and of the things that in the course o…

Hamlet (Spanish)

Read by Victor Villarraza

William Shakespeare

La tragedia de Hamlet, príncipe de Dinamarca (título original en inglés: The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denm…

David Copperfield, Band 07 (Version 2)

Read by josvanaken

Charles Dickens

David Copperfield von Charles Dickens ist ein viktorianischer Bildungsroman, der die Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten David Copperfield er…

A mi madre

Read by Lu

Rosalía De Castro

"A mi madre", es uno de los primeros poemarios escritos por la autora gallega y editado por D. Juan Compañel en 1863.Como e…

Criminal man: according to the classification of Cesare Lombroso

Read by Leon Harvey

Gina Lombroso

This book is an English summary and paraphrase of the multi-volume Italian work of the same name compiled by Cesare Lombroso, the father of …

The Queen's Cup

Read by gracesilvey

G. A. Henty

Follow Frank Mallet, Henty’s gentleman hero, as he aids in putting down the mutiny of the Sepoys of Barrackpore and then comes home to his e…

Canciones, 1921-1924

Read by Epachuko

Federico García Lorca

Ampliamente reconocido como el mejor dramaturgo y poeta español del siglo XX, Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), fue escritor …

Wilde Rosen

Read by AliceStein

Louise Aston

Sie hören die 12 Gedichte aus dem ersten Gedichtband von Louise Aston, der Feministin und Revolutionärin, die erst in Deutschland …

Aus dem Märchenbuch der Wahrheit

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Fritz Mauthner

Sammlung meist sehr tiefsinniger bzw hintergründiger Kurzgeschichten, oft mit philosphischem oder sozialem Gehalt und Bezug zu mancher …

From Spring Days to Winter

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Oscar Wilde

LibriVox volunteers bring you 22 recordings of From Spring Days to Winter by Oscar Wilde.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for January…

Then And Now

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Paul Laurence Dunbar

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of Then And Now by Paul Laurence Dunbar.This was the Weekly Poetry project for January 12, 2025…

Emily's Quest (Version 2)

Read by Nancy Halper

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Her school years behind her, Emily is back home at her beloved New Moon. She continues to climb “the Alpine path” as she watches her deares…

The Crystal Pointers

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Frank W. Boreham

Frank W. Boreham was a Baptist preacher from England who spent many years in New Zealand and Australia, but also traveled extensively in the…

Short Mystery and Suspense Collection 017

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


We are back with the 17th Librivox Short Mystery and Suspense Collection! Readers were invited to select and submit mystery or suspense stor…

Desert Gold, a Romance of the Border

Read by KirksVoice

Zane Grey

A FACE haunted Cameron—a woman's face. It was there in the white heart of the dying campfire; it hung in the shadows that hovered over the f…

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 064

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Diese Sammlungsreihe erscheint unregelmäßig und umfasst 10 verschiedene deutschsprachige Prosatexte."Die Giftmischerin"…

The Gnome King of Oz

Read by Phil Chenevert

Ruth Plumly Thompson

The Gnome King has escaped from Runaway Island and Scraps, the Patchwork Girl has disappeared from the Emerald City. Oh dear!! What exciting…

The Uses of Water in Health and Disease

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Harvey Kellogg

A practical guide in the use of hydrotherapy for the treatment of disease and the promotion of health. - Summary by Brian Wilson

A Dramatic Version of Greek Myths and Hero Tales

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Fanny Amanda Comstock

This is a collection of 25 short plays, each covering a different Greek myth or tale. From the famous epics such as Theseus' journey to slay…

The Black Cat Vol. 04 No. 09 June 1899

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Man…

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