Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Land that Time Forgot

Read by Ralph Snelson
The Land That Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the first of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy. His working title for the story was…
Tarzan of the Apes

Read by Mark F. Smith
Tarzan of the Apes is Burroughs’ exciting, if improbable, story of an English lord, left by the death of his stranded parents in the hands o…
A Princess of Mars

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Part One of Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Mars-Series. Easy, swank, pulp read about an omnipotent gentleman teleported to Mars, finding an outlandi…
The Gods of Mars

Read by JD Weber
The Gods of Mars is a 1918 Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the second of his famous Barsoom series.It can be said that the novel…
The People that Time Forgot

Read by Ralph Snelson
The People that Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the second of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy. The first novel ended with the h…
The Warlord of Mars

Read by JD Weber
Warlord of Mars is a Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the third of his famous Barsoom series. John Carter continues his quest to …
The Return of Tarzan

Read by Ralph Snelson
The novel picks up where Tarzan of the Apes left off. The ape man, feeling rootless in the wake of his noble sacrifice of his prospects of w…
At the Earth's Core

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is the first book in the Pellucidar series. Pellucidar is a fictional Hollow Earth milieu invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series…
The Chessmen of Mars

Read by Tom Weiss
The Chessmen of Mars is a science fiction novel by the mental sword and physical pen wielding author Edgar Rice Burroughs. It the fifth inst…
Out of Time's Abyss

Read by Ralph Snelson
Out of Time's Abyss is a science fiction novel, the third of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy. In this conclusion, the mysteries of the …
Thuvia, Maid of Mars

Read by Scott Merrill
In this novel the focus shifts from John Carter, Warlord of Mars, and Dejah Thoris of Helium, protagonists of the first three books in the s…
The Beasts of Tarzan

Read by James Christopher
This is the third of Burrough's Tarzan novels. Originally serialized in All-Story Cavalier magazine in 1914, the novel was first published i…
A Princess of Mars (Version 3)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
John Carter is mysteriously conveyed to Mars, where he discovers two intelligent species continually embroiled in warfare. Although he is a …
The Son of Tarzan

Read by Ralph Snelson
This is the fourth of Burroughs' Tarzan novels. Alexis Paulvitch, a henchman of Tarzan's now-deceased enemy, Nikolas Rokoff, survived his en…

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Pellucidar is a fictional "Hollow Earth" milieu invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series of action adventure stories. The sto…
A Princess of Mars (version 2)

Read by Mark Nelson
John Carter, an American Civil War veteran, goes prospecting in Arizona and, when set upon by Indians, is mysteriously transported to Mars, …
Tarzan the Terrible

Read by Don W. Jenkins
In the previous novel, during the early days of World War I, Tarzan discovered that his wife Jane was not killed in a fire set by German tro…
The Mad King

Read by Delmar H Dolbier
Shades of The Prisoner of Zenda! All our old friends are here—the young king, the usurping uncle and his evil henchman, the beautiful prince…
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar

Read by Ralph Snelson
This is the fifth of Burroughs' Tarzan novels.Tarzan finds himself bereft of his fortune and resolves to return to the jewel-room of Opar, l…
Tarzan the Untamed

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This book follows Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar chronologically. The action is set during World War I. While away from his plantation home i…
Jungle Tales of Tarzan

Read by Ralph Snelson
Jungle Tales of Tarzan is a collection of twelve loosely-connected short stories written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, comprising the sixth book …
The Outlaw of Torn

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The story is set in 13th century England and concerns the fictitious outlaw Norman of Torn, who purportedly harried the country during the p…
The Gods of Mars - (version 3)

Read by Mark Nelson
After John Carter's arrival, a boat of Green Martians on the River Iss are ambushed by the previously unknown Plant Men. The lone survivor i…
The Oakdale Affair

Read by Ralph Snelson
Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Jack London / H.H. Knibbs-inspired, selfless, poetry-spouting, hobo character, Bridge, makes another appearance in the…
The Gods of Mars (version 2)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
In this second volume of the Barsoom series, John Carter returns to Mars to learn that his heroic effort to salvage the atmosphere plant sav…
The Lost Continent (Beyond Thirty)

Read by Lucy Lo Faro
Originally published under the title of Beyond Thirty.The novel, set in the year 2137, was heavily influenced by the events of World War I. …
The Warlord of Mars (version 2)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
In this third installment of the adventures of John Carter on Mars, our hero labors under sentence of death (for having returned from the la…
The Chessmen of Mars (version 3)

Read by Mark Nelson
In the fifth book in the Barsoom series, Tara of Helium, daughter of John Carter, becomes lost in an unknown area of Mars when her single-se…
Thuvia, Maid of Mars (version 3)

Read by Mark Nelson
The fourth book of the Barsoom series, Thuvia, Maid of Mars takes up the story of Thuvia, now Princess of Ptarth, and Carthoris, son of John…
The Monster Men

Read by Mark Nelson
Dr. Arthur Maxon has a dream: to create an artificial human being! His first twelve experiments have resulted only in grotesque, subhuman mo…
The Warlord of Mars (version 3)

Read by Mark Nelson
After the horrendous battle at the end of the previous book, which ended with the destruction of the religion of Issus, John Carter's wife a…
At the Earth's Core (version 2)

Read by Mark Nelson
David Innes is a mining heir who finances the experimental "iron mole," an excavating vehicle designed by his elderly inventor fri…
Pellucidar (version 2)

Read by Mark Nelson
David Innes and his captive, a member of the reptilian Mahar master race of the interior world of Pellucidar, return from the surface world …
The Efficiency Expert

Read by Delmar H Dolbier
Our hero, Jimmy Torrance, Jr., has a hard time finding suitable employment after a brilliant (athletically, at least) college career, despit…
Thuvia, Maid of Mars (version 2)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
John Carter's son, Carthoris, falls in love with his father's true friend, Thuvia of Ptarth, but she has been promised to another and is kid…
The Chessmen of Mars (version 2)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
Tara of Helium, John Carter's second child, is nearly as beautiful as her mother, Deja Thoris, and as independent-minded as her father. Thes…
Out of Time's Abyss (version 2)

Read by Lucy Lo Faro
Out of Time’s Abyss is an Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the third of his Caspak trilogy. The sequence was first published in B…
Tarzan and the Golden Lion

Read by Joshua Herring
Tarzan's amazing ability to establish kinship with some of the most dangerous animals in the jungle serves him well in this exciting story o…
The Mucker

Read by Joseph DeNoia
Grown and raised on the streets of Chicago; a ruthless, brawling beast of a man who detests all that “class” and “highbrow society” has to o…
The Return of the Mucker

Read by Joseph DeNoia
After being framed for a murder he didn’t commit, law enforcement arrests Billy Byrne…The Mucker… as he returns to the streets of Grand Aven…
Tarzan and the Ant Men

Read by Matthew Reece
Lord Greystoke, Tarzan of the Apes, is embroiled in thrilling adventures among the tiny, warlike Minunians. (Summary by Matthew Reece)
The Moon Maid

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
Sabotage accidentally takes Earth's first manned interplanetary expedition to the Moon, where a sublunar adventure ensues, involving two int…
The Man-Eater

Read by Joseph DeNoia
Africa: The land of savagery and splendor. Where a marriage between an adventurer and a missionary's daughter is cut short by invading local…
The Girl from Farris's

Read by Joseph DeNoia
Ever want to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, only to have the whole world fight to keep you down? Ever been upstanding and righteous, o…
The Cave Girl

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Blueblooded mama's boy Waldo Emerson Smith-Jones is swept overboard during a south seas voyage for his lifelong ill health. He finds himself…
The Girl From Hollywood

Read by Joseph DeNoia
The countryside outside of Los Angeles is a paradise on Earth: nature gives bounty on the land, the animals are majestic, the oaks breathe a…
The Master Mind of Mars (Version 2)

Read by Mark Nelson
World War I infantry captain Ulysses Paxton is transported to Barsoom, where he encounters evil scientist Ras Thavas and his diabolical brai…
Pirates of Venus

Read by Phil Chenevert
Edgar Rice Burroughs, of Tarzan fame, wrote many great adventure stories that were serialized in the magazines of t he 1930s. This is the fi…
A Fighting Man of Mars

Read by Mark Nelson
Under the double moons of Barsoom, an invisible flier sped to the mysterious city of Jahar where Sanoma Tora, the kidnapped princess of Heli…
The Land of Hidden Men

Read by Mark Nelson
Gordon King, child of the twentieth century, was not to be frightened away by what seemed foolish superstition. The young American was soon …
The Moon Men

Read by Ben Tucker
The second book in the Moon Maid trilogy, this novel details the exploits of a descendant of the protagonist of the first novel as he leads …
Tarzan and the Lost Empire

Read by Mark Nelson
The disappearance of a noted archaeologist hunting the secret of the Lost Tribe of the Wiramwazi Mountains was a signal to the one man who c…
Lost On Venus

Read by KirksVoice
When Carson Napier, Californian, pierced the mist-laden cloud blanket that shrouded the mysterious planet Venus, he embarked on an unparalle…
The Eternal Savage

Read by Mark Nelson
Here is Nu, son of Nu, seeking to test his mettle against the terrible fangs of the ferocious saber-tooth tiger.Here is Victoria Custer, gue…
1916: First Chapters Collection

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
These are first chapters to books first published in 1916. Readers, following is a tentative list culled from Wikipedia's article on the yea…
Tanar of Pellucidar

Read by Mark Nelson
Pellucidar—the hollow center of the Earth, a land of savage men and prehistoric beasts—is the scene of this exciting novel. In Pellucidar dw…
A Princess of Mars (Version 4)

Read by Terry Kroenung
A Confederate soldier travels to Mars and is embroiled in its politics and wars, becoming a great swordsman and hero. - Summary by Terry Kro…
The Tarzan Twins

Read by Ben Tucker
Dick and Doc aren't actual twins. They're technically cousins, being the sons of twin sisters. But having been born on the same day and look…
The Master Mind of Mars

Read by Joseph DeNoia
Across the the vast reaches of space went he: another man of Earth (Ulysses Paxton) finds himself transported to Mars ("Barsoom"),…
The Cave Girl (Version 2)

Read by Gerald Moe
Waldo Smith-Jones shipwrecked from Boston, desperately tries to survive on a lost island of primitive men and beasts. Given the name of Than…
The Red Hawk

Read by Ben Tucker
This third book in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Moon Sequence (preceded by The Moon Maid and The Moon Men) finds Julian 20th, The Red Hawk, leading…
The Master Mind of Mars (Version 3)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland
The protagonist is a soldier from the Great War whose tale John Carter has brought to Earth. Having saved the life of an ancient Martian who…
The Bandit of Hell's Bend

Read by Gripolli
When Diana Henders' father dies and leaves her responsible for running a cattle ranch in Arizona, along with a gold mine on the property, sh…
Tarzan bei den Affen

Read by Katharina21
Ein britischer Lord und seine Frau werden infolge einer Meuterei im afrikanischen Dschungel ausgesetzt. Nach ihrem Tod wird ihr Sohn von ei…
Tarzans Rückkehr in den Urwald

Read by Katharina21
Nach vielen Abenteuern kehrt Tarzan zurück in den Urwald. Er erlebt viele neue Abenteuer und findet neue Freunde und Feinde in der Dsch…
First Chapter Collection 007
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn't for you. Here we off…