Incomplete script, cast reads as Chester Hasbrook Frisby types the story. Friday, 09/07/1973Next week the cast arr…
2nd episode of TV show, everyone tired Friday, 08/17/73
Концерт Игоря Губермана. Киев 1999
Концерт Игоря Губермана в Киеве 1999
This Victorian-era dramedy was adapted by playwright/critic John Oxenford from Eugene Scribe and Ernst Legouvé’s “Les doigts de f&eac…
Fortsetzung des Romanes "Das rote Zimmer". Die Handlung dieses (satirischen) gesellschaftskritischen Romans spielt im gleichen Mil…
In bed, Pops and Calvin watching TV
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, Third episode of starts. Morning Monday, 08/27/1973
Chatting at Moorswind. Tuesday, 09/11/1973
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, camera on fire Wednesday, 09/05/1973
Being an account of the strange and wonderful workings of science in the land of the free, A.D. 1933-1940. (Summary by author)
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, 5:30 AM Interview with Pop. He breaks through the stage. Wednesday, 08/29/1973
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, labor day Monday, 09/03/1973