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The Swine-Gods and Other Visions

Read by Ben Tucker

Regina Miriam Bloch

Regina Miriam Bloch is a somewhat enigmatic figure in the world of Weird Fiction, having written only two slim volumes (The Swine-Gods and O…

The Unholy Three

Read by Ben Tucker

Tod Robbins

Ladies and gentlemen! Step right up and put your eyes on the most bizarre crime spree you will ever bear witness to! See the broad-shouldere…

The Snarl of the Beast

Read by Ben Tucker

Carroll John Daly

Carroll John Daly, enormously popular in his day but has since faded into obscurity, is often credited with penning the first hard-boiled cr…

Murder Mistress

Read by Ben Tucker

Robert Colby

Scott Daniels is a washed up showbiz announcer who hit the bottle a few too many times and blew his big chance. But he starts to think his l…

The Monster and Other Stories

Read by Ben Tucker

Stephen Crane

From the celebrated author of the Red Badge of Courage comes this final collection of stories released in Crane's lifetime. These stories of…

New Bodies for Old

Read by Ben Tucker

Maurice Renard

Maurice Renard's little known but delightfully bizarre tale of mad science run amok owes much to H. G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau while…


Read by Ben Tucker

Cornell Woolrich

Dark crime fiction author Cornell Woolrich (real name George Hopley) brings us this show-stopping collection of grim and twisted stories of …

The Shining Pyramid: The Definitive Edition

Read by Ben Tucker

Arthur Machen

For the first time ever, the complete contents of both the 1923 and 1925 editions of The Shining Pyramid are brought together in a single co…

The Red Hawk

Read by Ben Tucker

Edgar Rice Burroughs

This third book in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Moon Sequence (preceded by The Moon Maid and The Moon Men) finds Julian 20th, The Red Hawk, leading…

The Diamond Lens with Other Stories

Read by Ben Tucker

Fitz-James O'Brien

Irish-born author Fitz-James O'Brien is a underrated genius of weird fiction, serving as the missing link between Edgar Allan Poe and later …

Something About Eve: A Comedy of Fig-leaves

Read by Ben Tucker

James Branch Cabell

Would-be author of romance Gerald Musgrave, southern gentleman and member of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America…

The Gargoyle

Read by Ben Tucker

Greye La Spina

Springing forth from the pages of Weird Tales comes celebrated author Greye La Spina's exciting tale of black magic and the occult! When pai…

Stories of the Rhine

Read by Ben Tucker

Émile Erckmann

Émile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian, more widely known by their joint nom de plume Erckmann-Chatrian, were in their time more recog…

The Fantasy Fan Magazine Presents: Writings of Clark Ashton Smith

Read by Ben Tucker

Clark Ashton Smith

Collected here are all of Clark Aston Smith's writings he submitted to The Fantasy Fan Magazine. The Fantasy Fan Magazine was a periodical d…

The Smoking Leg and Other Stories

Read by Ben Tucker

John Metcalfe

Celebrated science fiction author Brian Stableford has praised John Metcalfe's stories saying they "build up a unique sense of unease&q…

Exploration Team

Read by Ben Tucker

Murray Leinster

"If you took a spitting cobra and crossed it with a wildcat, painted it tan-and-blue and then gave it hydrophobia and homicidal mania a…

Three Midnight Stories

Read by Ben Tucker

Alexander W. Drake

Alexander W. Drake was a well-regarded illustrator and engraver, spending much of his career at the vaunted Scribner's Monthly magazine (whi…

The Feasting Dead

Read by Ben Tucker

John Metcalfe

Colonel Hapgood, our narrator, has been sending his son Denis to a chateau of a distant relative in the French countryside where the boy has…

Studies of Death

Read by Ben Tucker

Count Stanislaus Eric Stenbock

Count Stanislaus Eric Stenbock was an eccentric character to say the least. Maintaining a veritable zoo on his estate populated with the lik…

The Vampire Nemesis and Other Weird Tales of the China Coast

Read by Ben Tucker


This unjustly forgotten classic collection of grisly horror stories from pseudonymous author Dolly brings us four tantalizing and terrible t…

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