Alice Duer was a successful American author who wrote poetry, novels and screenplays and campaigned tirelessly for women's suffrage. Her si…
Also known for his "Brownies" books, Canadian humorist Palmer Cox give us a delightful collection of humorous verse and short pros…
Genevieve Taggard was an American poet, teacher and socialist. This collection was first published in 1923 and deals with topics such as pe…
This is Volume 4: Poems of Mystery and of Myth and Romance of the collected works of Madison Julius Cawein, an American poet from Kentucky. …
Published in 1918, Zora Cross’s book of poems, The Lilt of Life, was her third book of verse, and, like her earlier works, largely focused o…
During his short but eventful life, Arthur Hugh Clough wrote poems on subjects as varied as religious doubt, European politics and social in…